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Old 04-21-2015, 11:10 AM   #244
First Line Centre
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Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Saint John, NB

Just had our first Spring tournament the Shamrock Invitational last weekend in Boston.

Went well. he really enjoyed himself and played great. we watched a bunch of different age groups games over the weekend. some really good hockey being played at young ages.

Biggest problem from the weekend was that we went down with a friend who's kids is an 04 and there were a couple of kids who went to the Brick last year on his team. Will has now decided that he will be on a Brick team in 2018 after hanging out and talking to them. Not sure dad can afford that one since the closest team to us the the Boston jr Bruins and running back and forth to Boston for practices may be a bit crazy.

Reebok Cup in Hookset NH in a couple of weeks and then Future Stars Cup in halifax on the long weekend to wrap up the spring season hockey equipment goes away and the soccer and baseball get kicked into gear.

Dad and son have both had a good time. How is everyone elses spring seasons going?

Last edited by TimSJ; 04-21-2015 at 11:25 AM.
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