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Old 04-05-2015, 12:19 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by BlurstOfTimes View Post
New to Calgary. Moved up from Texas.

I wanted to get some info on fertilizer, pre-emergent, seeding schedules, and general lawn/yard maintenance. I was a decent green thumb in Texas but I'm not familiar with the types of grasses here or the types of plants suited for this zone.

The weeds are already starting to pop-up so I assume it's too late to put down a pre-emergent herbicide. Any recommendations on a herbicide spray or granules to use to kill the stuff that is already popping up?

Is it too early to put down a slow release fertilizer? Some of the city websites mentioned doing this in May but since it's been a warmer spring and the grass is already greening up I guess fertilizer can be used now.

Any advice on grass seed or sod and where to get it. I assume HD is the standard place to go. There are a lot of dead patches in the yard I'd like to fill in.

You cannot get broadcast pre-emergent or other weed and feed type herbicides in Alberta other than the ones that use iron. Most of it gets washed into drains and then into the rivers.

I have tried the iron stuff once and I am not convinced that it did all that much other than leave little rust spots on my concrete and decking. For weeds spot treatment herbicides like Killex is your best bet but it's too cool still to use it.

A Canadian's yard schedule in the spring is rake to lift the grass, power rake, aerate, fix dead patches, top dress bare patches, overseed the entire yard, and fertilize. Sod is typically Kentucky blue grass but you can overseed with a blend of Kentucky blue grass, perennial ryes, and fescues.
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