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Old 01-17-2015, 08:27 PM   #158
Franchise Player
Join Date: Dec 2013

Instead of starting a new thread this one came up in a search and I figured it was best to put my questions here (I haven't read the full thread.)

My kid just started his first year of Timbits hockey. He is the youngest on his team and pretty inexperienced and as such he is towards the lower end of skill and development. Like everyone he just needs more time to develop. I think it would be good for him to do some additional hockey in the upcoming off season.

His coach actually sent out an email to the team today with info on Calgary Spring hockey ( I wouldn't mind signing my kid up for this if it was actually focused on providing the necessary level of development to improve his game. Is anyone familiar with this program at the Timbit (Initiation) level? I know there are a lot of summer camps as well which is another option. A couple of parents have mentioned that the summer camps at WinSport are really good.

What should I consider for my kid in the off season to help improve his skating and puck skills? I want something that will actually be beneficial and not just something where he is just another body on the ice or bench that is generating revenue for the program.
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