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Old 01-06-2015, 10:28 AM   #258
Monster Storm
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Calgary

Mudding and Taping 101.

Small areas - buy a bucket of pre mix.
Cover seams with mesh tape.

Round one: Put a small amount over areas in need, using a 6" blade, just enough to fill the mesh. Let dry (wait 24 hrs if you need too). The mud will shrink, causing divots over screw holes etc.

Round Two: Lightly scrape first with the 8" blade. this knocks off the high spots like knife edge lines and chunks. Now apply another round of mud using the same 8"blade, just enough to cover the previous areas making sure to feather out. This is the step that I take the most time to try and get things smooth and starting to look like final product. Experience plays a role with how to apply pressure and such but taking your time here makes the final step easier. Once complete let dry.

Round three: scrape again before using a 8" blade. Now use a 8" blade to apply a thin coat to cover small divots and ridges and then run over areas with a 12" blade to feather out accordingly. Should only take about an hour for this to dry. Once dry, sand until it feels smooth to the hand. Using the flashlight on your phone place it up against the wall and shine it sideways to produce a raking light. This will show areas that need more sanding.

Round four: Wipe the wall with a dry cloth , prime the areas and paint.

Round five: Drink beer.

Clean your blades after each use.
scraping takes off the chunks that get stuck in the new mud and leave big drag tracks.
Don't prime until you are ready! Repeat round three if you need too!
buy the corner blade for inside corners
always remove excess when it is wet as to not leave giant ridges
Shameless self promotion

Last edited by surferguy; 01-06-2015 at 10:31 AM.
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