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Old 11-16-2014, 02:27 PM   #6
NOT breaking news
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Why don't we make the spoiler etiquette 6pm on Thursday. We can discuss it after that?

I've thought from the beginning that Adnan did it. Yes Jay's story is a bit sketchy and the police were probably holding back the obvious inconsistancies. But Jay is 17 years old and if all of a sudden you were shown a dead body and thrown into being an accomplice, you'd be hiding a few things too at the beginning.

What gets me most about Adnan is in one of the earlier episodes (3 or 4) he tells Koenig that he doesn't remember that day at all. It was just like any other day. But that cannot be true. He lent Jay his car and phone. That's not normal. He asked Hae for a ride. That never happens because Hae is always going to pick up her niece. Then when Hae goes missing and the police tell him about it, he never calls her once. Yet when he got his new cell phone the night before he called her right away. So he still had feelings for her.
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