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Old 11-16-2014, 09:23 AM   #4
First Line Centre
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Join Date: Feb 2008

Well done Barnes! You are a better man than me!

I too am caught up to episode 8. It is a fascinating look into the criminal justice system, and raises such interesting issues as how memory works, credibility of individuals, and whether 'truth' actually matters at all.

I continue to be conflicted as to Adnan's innocence. Plus there are a number of aspects of the prosecution's theory of the case which simply don't make sense. Jay has told numerous inconsistent stories about an event that, frankly, is a life-changer. I don't see how there could be such variance in re-telling such a singularly important incident.

Adnan continues to claim his absolute innocence and his story hasn't changed over time. Plus his story has the kind of holes/missing details you would expect from someone who really had nothing to do with the key events. To me that is important - he can't prove his innocence because he didn't know he was going to need to. Prior to the show he lost his final post-conviction appeal I believe. Not sure it means much in weighing his innocence claim, but at least he's been consistent.

The notion that Adnan would need help in disposing of Hae's body also hasn't sat well with me. Why would he need help to dig what was ultimately a shallow grave only 6" deep. He was a football player and track athlete. Surely he was capable of disposing of her body himself. Maybe I am wrong about that though.

I was also deeply troubled by the former juror comments which essentially were that Adnan should have proved to them his innocence. That is crazy town! How on earth does someone disprove they did not do something? That reversal of the presumption of innocence was a shocking insight into the flaws of the criminal trial system.

Obviously Sarah Koenig is ahead of us, so who knows what is planned, but I don't see how he was properly convicted. He may have done it, but the evidence does not seem to be there. Then again, the failed appeals suggest otherwise.

I am curious to see how this will end. I believe the goal is 12 episodes. I don't expect there will be some smoking gun leading to Adnan's freedom. Perhaps it will simply be a conclusion that we can never know what happened.

The great CP is in dire need of prunes!
"That's because the productive part of society is adverse to giving up all their wealth so you libs can conduct your social experiments. Experience tells us your a bunch of snake oil salesman...Sucks to be you.
" ~Calgaryborn 12/06/09 keeping it really stupid!
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