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Old 11-03-2014, 07:07 PM   #237
The new goggles also do nothing.
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Rental unit, and doing it ourselves is an option, we already have some of the stuff, but as you say there's such wide information about what's necessary and what's risky. Companies that make it scary as you say are the ones that benefit. But health is health and I don't want to be sick or make tenants sick.

A remediation company is what I would like but one that would charge a reasonable rate.

Or if we do it ourselves, as you say the tricky part is the negative pressure, maybe I'll see if there's somewhere we can rent that and a good HEPA vacuum.

Though I've been told that bleach doesn't actually do anything, for anything that isn't being removed (and everything that can be removed should be) to wash it with detergent and water, dry it out and then treat it with this stuff:

Though reading that site now that seems as scammy as the panic-its-mold guys.
Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position.
But certainty is an absurd one.
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