Thread: Radar detectors
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Old 10-26-2014, 04:42 PM   #25
Not Taylor
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Originally Posted by squiggs96 View Post
My car came with a different version. It has this needle that shows how fast your car is going, and you can compare that to the posted speed limit. If the speed shown in my car is greater than the speed limit, I slow down. Yes, it's a lot of work, but I'm cheap, and it works for me.

I know, I know; I'm horrible.
This. I don't understand the mentality. Most of this forum loves to complain about other drivers doing things they shouldn't, but expects to be allowed to speed when nobody is looking. Radio stations broadcasting the radar locations really bugs me. Instead of encouraging speeding but not getting caught, why isn't the message of "just don't speed" reinforced?

I don't speed. Yes there are times when I realize I'm going over the limit unintentionally, but if I get pulled over in those situations and am given a ticket, I will likely have deserved it.
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