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Old 08-22-2014, 08:34 AM   #7
Flash Walken
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Sounds like a move designed to take some wind out of the Wild Rose sails:

CALGARY - Wildrose Leader Danielle Smith has vowed to serve no more than two terms as premier.
Smith said she's ready to conform to her party's constitution limiting a Wildrose premier to two terms -- or about eight years -- to ensure fresh ideas and new blood keep flowing at the top.

"That's just fine by me and certainly fine by my husband ... sometimes you do need to have that healthy renewal," Smith told the Calgary Sun editorial board Wednesday.

"Having that healthy renewal in the top position sends a signal to those seeking public office."
But she said such a limit applied to MLAs would short-circuit any ambitions for the premiership.

Even so, politicians should be discouraged from becoming career cabinet ministers or MLAs with possibly a three-term limit.

"Politicians tend to ... like the job and want to stay -- it shouldn't be the best job they ever had," said Smith.

Spreading that rule beyond the Wildrose, she said, is something that could be put to a referendum -- a mechanism also on the Wildrose platform.
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