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Old 07-29-2014, 02:01 PM   #3053
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Originally Posted by OutOfTheCube View Post
I never said playing a singular game makes someone a 'true gamer' (which wasn't even my phrasing). Just implied that if someone even cared about games beyond just a casual past-time and owned a PS3, they'd have played The Last of Us.

And what's wrong with identifying as a gamer? Plenty of people are happy to identify as a cinephile, or avid reader. Games have provided me with exceptional entertainment experiences and been a huge part of my life for over twenty years. I have lasting friendships that were forged through a love for games. I'm proud to call myself a gamer.
You're insinuating that in order to be anything more than a casual gamer you have to have played The Last of Us. I could say the same thing as a PC gamer; that anyone who even cares about games beyond just a casual past time would own a gaming rig in order to play games the way they were meant to be experienced. That comes off just as smug and asinine. Heaven forbid people have tastes different than yours. Maybe when they play a game they actually want to PLAY a game instead of watch an interactive movie.
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