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Old 05-27-2014, 02:28 PM   #51
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Join Date: Nov 2009

Originally Posted by MrMastodonFarm View Post
I think we'll definitely see younger versions of Cyclops, Jean Grey and Storm introduced in the new film.

First Class and Days of Future Past both had stories revolving around points in history. First Class during the Bay of Pigs and Days of Future Past with the Paris Peace talks for Vietnam. Also Magneto trying to save Kennedy in the middle somewhere. It will be interesting to see what Singer and company weave into it this time.

I'd like to see Matthew Vaughan back in some capacity too. He's pull out of more X movies then you directed but he helped form the story of Days of Future Past before leaving, and his style remains in the new Class scenes. He seems to really get these characters just as much as Singer.
I could see some of the plot involving the AIDS epidemic of the 80's, but I'd much prefer that this time they avoid historical context, and instead make it more of a comic book movie than a period piece.

They can easily have allusions towards the epidemic with the AOA arc, but trying to incorporate that particular storyline into real world history probably wouldn't work. With First Class and DOFP they had free reign to use them as a backdrop to actual events, but it wouldn't be necessary for AOA or the Phoenix Saga (which maybe they could redo someday?).

Personally I wouldn't mind if they made concurrent movies, and had Singer direct one universe and Vaughn can handle another. Obviously Stewart, McKellan and a few others only have a few years left in them, but there are so many characters they can use, that it would be a shame to only see a few different mutants every two years.

Just think of the fan favorites that have either barely been featured, or not been seen at all in six movies and counting. Gambit, Emma Frost (is she dead?), Sabretooth, Nightcrawler, Bishop, Blink, Quicksillver, Psylocke, Polaris, Scarlet Witch, Angel, Domino, Cable, Deadpool, Multiple Man, Juggernaut, Sinister, Omega Red, Phoenix, Marvel Girl, Cannonball, Darwin, Thunderbird, Forge, Longshot, Jubilee, and so many others could feature prominently in other movies. So even if other characters left, they could be replaced quite easily.

If Fox played their cards right they could honestly make as many movies as Marvel does with their own characters, especially if they were willing to do more solo movies (Gambit, Deadpool, Storm, Cable, etc). They just need to plan it out properly, and figure out how to incorporate everything into the X-Men Universe, as that's one of the main things people love about Marvel right now.

Last edited by trackercowe; 05-27-2014 at 02:31 PM.
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