Thread: NHL 15 Thread
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Old 05-04-2014, 01:59 PM   #33
Franchise Player
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Originally Posted by Street Pharmacist View Post
I can't wait for the entitled whining from video game connoisseurs
I'm easily the biggest whiner of this game here on CP. Every year I whine about the same things...because the same problems arise every single year.

-Players who can pause online games with 12 people playing. Been that way since '07 and should have long been taken out.
-Inaccuracies in be a GM mode.
-Glitch goals
-Same announcers saying the exact same things every single year. I still hear comments from '07.
-Long load times in the menus due to useless menu animations
-Etc etc etc

If we had a competing product it wouldn't be so bad. EA might actually be motivated to listen to it's customers. Instead we've been stuck with a hockey game monopoly the last ~ decade and EA has a known reputation of taking shortcuts and depending on brand name to sell it's products. Can't really blame people for complaining when it's the same issues every year.

And before someone tosses out the whole ''dont' like it, don't play it'' speech, I am a hockey addict who needs his fix. I really have no other option other then to play the EA series every year. I enjoy the game immensely, but EA totally reminds of SN. Their product could be sooooo much better if they took the time to make the simple fixes that people complain about. And from a consumer perspective, it seems like laziness on their part.
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