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Old 02-05-2014, 08:32 PM   #2089
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Originally Posted by dino7c View Post
Well you are calling others "fanboys" for thinking the PS4 is a superior system. All I have said is that I prefer the PS4 and this whole "xbox is so innovative" thing is total BS to me for reasons I have already explained.
Your reasons are wrong and completely ignorant. MS has done several things that have never been done on a console before.

1) It runs on a hypervisor and virtual machines that allows for multi-tasking, quick switching between applications, and will allow MS to add tons of new features in the future.

2) HDMI pass-through, voice enabled everything, and auto-login with Kinect facial recognition are all brand new to consoles.

3) A customizable (sort of) UI that allows you to pin apps and games for quick access. It also allows you to watch TV while you play a game and snap between them whenever you want.

How useful these features are to you or how well MS has executed them is fully debatable. You want to make a case that the hypervisor is a waste of resources and bring no value to gamers? Sure. But saying that MS hasn't at least tried to innovate and bring new things to the console is really, really wrong. It's like saying the PS4 is nothing more than a PS3 with more GB's and wi-fi's, which is equally as wrong.

Maybe do some research or try one out at a buddy's place before making such a false statement.
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