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Old 02-04-2014, 08:37 AM   #2056
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Originally Posted by TorqueDog View Post
What's funny is the goal posts seem to move for each generation to fit his argument. Best console, hardware wise or in terms of commercial success? His answer is "either so long as it's the Playstation".

Hardware wise, the PS2 was not as powerful as the XBOX, but was more commercially successful, though it's worth mentioning the XBOX was the proving ground for Xbox Live, which contributed to the success of...

... the Xbox 360. The Playstation 3 was more powerful but notoriously difficult to develop for to exploit all that power, and the Xbox 360 was arguably the more commercially successful console, also bolstered by the revenue from Xbox Live. Playstation 3 sales didn't catch up until recently (I think Chemgear posted the article).

The current console war, Sony's got the beefier hardware but really is a "better PS3" in that all it really cares to be is the best pure gaming console there is. Xbox One doesn't intend to be that, but much much more. So comparing them seems like comparing a Range Rover Sport S/C to a BMW M6. Both are fast, one is more powerful, but the other is more well-rounded and flexible. Given the supply issues, it's hard to properly call a winner this early.
Only one barometer of measurement that's ever mattered to me: the games. PS2 was a behemoth of exclusive games, no question. Almost every Xbox exclusive I picked up disappointed me. PS3 has a great library of exclusive games, and the line-up of mostly sequels and shooter on 360 bored me. At this point Xbox One isn't even on my radar - after two generations of nothing but disappointing games (to me), I have no interest at all. I don't have time or money to waste on things I might not like.

Perhaps a bit fanboy-ish but I'm a Nintendo supporter too, have owned every Nintendo console and handheld and really love a lot of their games. MS has simply never had any exclusive games I give a damn about while Nintendo and Sony have piles.

I know what I like and I know what I will like. Don't really care if it makes me a fanboy or whatever else.
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