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Old 11-11-2013, 08:02 PM   #30
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Aug 2008

So with this virus that was encrypting and ransoming peoples files it got me thinking about backup again. Right now I use cloud storage and an attached external hard drive as my onsite and offsite backup both of which have automated updates.

My fear now is that even with cloud storage what would happen is that it would backup the encrypted files over top of the originals in the cloud and all three sources of data would be lost. Is there a way to protect yourself from this? Currently I do a weekly backup to the cloud so there would be some time to catch it but it still worries me.

My other question is what do people do on Vacation. I realized two weeks into my vacation last summer that my SD card was my only source of all of my pictures I had taken. So I downloaded everything onto my laptop I brought but that still could all be stolen at once. I am curious to what others do.
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