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Old 10-25-2013, 11:56 AM   #1
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default Wi-Fi Download Speed Issue

Almost at wits end here. I'll provide the details, but here is the gist. Wi-Fi download speeds are terrible (1.5 Mbps average) but the upload is great (2.5 Mbps) and wired is great (25Mbps down/ 2.5Mbps up which is the plan I pay for).

Telus router (Wi-Fi disabled)
D-Link Wireless router (DIR-655 N and DIR-850L AC)
iPad, Phone, Smart TV on wireless

Tried just the Telus router and the N router, and have gotten terrible speeds. I live in a condo so there is lots of other networks and thought I would try an AC router. Worked great at first (full download speed) but then after a couple minutes or so the download dives to the 1.5Mbps again. Turn the AC router on and off and the speed is fast and then dives. Tried a Wi-Fi scanner and picked a channel no one else was on and nothing changed.

Not really sure where to go from here. Maybe the AC router is faulty? I could try placing the wireless router somewhere else. Right now it's beside the Telus router and my Drobo. Any suggestions?
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