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Old 08-01-2013, 05:05 PM   #208
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Oct 2010

Originally Posted by DazzlinDino View Post
Well this is easy for you to say since Theo was the one who was abused.

Maybe he didn't know where to turn or how to bring it up. Maybe he still had feelings of guilt and shame and Graham still held something over him. I would bet anything Theo was ashamed and didn't want to let down all those millions of fans down by telling them he had been raped... It's easy for people to get on his case for saying things and being angry easily. But Theo had a tremendous load on his shoulders one that no one should ever have to deal with. It's amazing some people here still want to blame him for not acting accordingly. "Lets blame the victim for not being stronger..."

When Graham invited him to participate in the Hitmen he was likely still drinking to avoid dealing with his true feelings something that alcoholics deal with when they get treatment. Alcoholism is a disease and part of that treatment is to admit they have a drinking problem, this even before they start to deal with the emotional scars. Chances are Theo was not in a rational state of mind to open up about the abuse during the time Graham asked him to join the hitmen. So... lets stop blaming Theo he has taken steps towards healing his life there is no need for people to be so blindly insensitive.

For all he has been through he deserves to have his jersey retired, that would go a long way towards showing the Flames as a classy organization.
I know all about this, do you?
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