Thread: DDPYoga
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Old 04-30-2013, 01:34 PM   #84
Franchise Player
Join Date: Feb 2009

Originally Posted by J pold View Post
Because Yoga as a practice at its root is a combination of body, mind, and breath. All three together create the practice, if you take away just one aspect away then that’s not yoga. If you want to just take the physical aspects of yoga and do them that’s fine, but it’s like saying I’m going to go play hockey without staking. When you remove a critical aspect of it you aren’t really performing the whole action.

Really what I think it comes down to is insecurity and comfort levels of people. They are fine with doing the poses but when the teacher asks the class to perform a few om’s it’s foreign to them and they get uncomfortable, and instead of embracing the unknown and new they dismiss it as stupid or unimportant because they are insecure. I know because I used to be the guy who thought that way. Finally I just let go of my hang-ups surrounding everything ‘else’ and now my shavasana (the meditative mindful pose) is probably the most difficult and rewarding part of my practice.
Same here. I treated that stuff as stupid because it was foreign to me and I was too insecure to actually explore it. It's now one of the biggest reasons I go to yoga. I can do the poses and transitions as part of a typical gym workout quite easily, and I often do, but when I need/want the full benefits of yoga I go to a class.
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