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Old 03-20-2013, 01:42 PM   #62
Franchise Player
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Originally Posted by blankall View Post
Sorry, should have clarified. They have played horribly for the last 2-3 years. Now they look great. However, I think some of that may be due to the Flames being near the very bottom of the league in GA/G. If JBo putting up .5+PPG for 20 games is enough to increase his value to a 1st round pick +, then the Flames seriously need to consider taking that and running.

Additionally, there are several teams in dire need of centre depth. A few months ago, people were talking about Stajan as a buyout candidate. If he gets you a 2nd rounder, you take that and run.

I don't think either player are part of the long term plan. Plus trading them opens up about 10 mil in cap space. A lot can be done with that in the off season. Surely we can, at the very least, find equivalent replacements.

Agree with your base idea but other teams would just love to have 10M in cap space ..... instead of Bouwmeester and Stajan in order to hang on to their guys while reducing payroll by 6M in the 64M cap of 2013-14.

There will be a bunch of buyouts and salary dumps available for teams that have cap room.

Like Bill Clinton put it in getting Obama elected over Romney,....... The Flames need someone in management with Arithmetic skills.
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