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Old 01-26-2013, 12:04 AM   #62
J Diddy
Scoring Winger
Join Date: Dec 2010

My disappointment with t4 was that it didn't continue the fast paced, non stop action theme of the first three movies. T3 was bad but at least it tried to stick to the format of the other two.

in t4 I would have liked to have seen Connor and Marcus trying to keep Kyle Reese alive in a doomsday world...from some new terminator model that is hunting they make their way to some facility to send Reese back in time to protect Sarah in the Terminator 1 timeline. That would have tied the movies together better IMO and would have allowed for the go go go fast moving action scenes like T2 had.

The terminator factory was so disappointing and Nuclear computer chips sitting out in the open really ruined that movie for me. And don't even get me started in the terrible Helena Bonham Carter.

For T5 I like the idea of having Arnold playing two roles...the original terminator model and the human that sky net modeled the terminator after. Use the same effect they used on Patrick Stewart in Xmen 3 to make him look young for the terminator part. The human Arnold character and a sent back in time Marcus are tasked with once again keeping John Connor alive from a..this time bad guy..Arnold Terminator.

Last edited by J Diddy; 01-26-2013 at 12:08 AM.
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