Thread: Jay Bouwmeester
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Old 01-22-2013, 12:02 PM   #186
Change of Heart
Crash and Bang Winger
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Originally Posted by Stay Golden View Post
The less Bouwmeester is on the ice the better the Flames chances are. He needs to be held accountable. He needs to face the media for his costly play and lack of any intensity.
Iginla is always on the media's target when the Flames are not winning.
Yes he is the Captain but this knob Bouwmeester is the 11th highest paid D man in the NHL and he just slimes his way out of the publics target.
It should be placed firmly on his forehead after every bad game.
Sutter refused to hold Bouwmeester accountable for anything.
Always your best players have to be your best players.
Code for blame Iginla, blame Tanguay, blame Cammilari. Who is your most prominent D man according to pay, who is the D man that was always getting more ice time...
Bouwmeester. He should wear the blame.
Its beyond the expiration date for holding this chump accountable for his detriment to the Calgary Flames.
Some fans bitched about Widemans 5m contract?
Wideman will accomplish more for the Flames in this 1/2 season than Bouwmeester has in 3 years.
You really have a hate on for J-Bo eh?
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