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Old 09-30-2012, 08:12 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by PIMking View Post
It's a broken system that is for sure. I cant believe with how advance this country is and we cant find a way to make sure everyone is taken care of.

Like I said before in my OP I make roughly $15,000 working at the hotel. With that salary I make too much (plus being a student doesn't help) to get government assistance on health care. Also with my house payment, car, auto insurance, and well basic living expenses I can't afford to pay $130/mo for insurance. It sucks but it's something that I will just have to live with fora few more year.
Obviously insurance costs some money but if you are otherwise healthy you can pick up a insurance plan for like 80 bucks a month from Blue Cross/Blue Shields. I am Diabetic so my plan is a lot more expensive. My plan is 315 dollars a month with a 1000 Dollar deductible. I have already met my deductible because of my Spinal Steroid Shots and my colonoscopy. I just got a bill from my surgery on my back and to my surprise my bill was 128 bucks. I was pretty stoked about that.

I have never had stones but I had my gall bladder removed due to it not working right. After I would finish eating it would just keep squeezing itself trying to do it's job. Apparently it didnt realize it was doing it's job so it just kept squeezing itself and it was very very very painful. I havent had pain since they removed it, however now I have to much bile in my system and will go through periods of time where I get diarrhea that will just come without warning and when I have to go , I have to go right then with no warning.

My wife and I are moving to Calgary in August of next year ( at least that's what she told me ) and I am looking forward to not having to pay a big bill when I have some medical procedure done.
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Last edited by nickerjones; 09-30-2012 at 08:33 PM.
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