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Old 09-28-2012, 09:53 AM   #87
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Cool Ville

Originally Posted by Nyah View Post
If you're worried about a hair in your food, you probably shouldn't be eating in pubic. At all. How is a dog sitting 15 feet away worse than a dog walking by the patio? That dog comes MUCH closer to your food. If it freaks you out that much, don't go! As for regulations & safety, they've made it pretty clear that the dog will not be allowed anywhere near the food prep, obviously.:
Thats a pretty impressive list of regulations etc., however, dog hair is much worse then most other "contaminats" that can make it to my food.

Originally Posted by Rerun View Post
Last I looked Ranchmans was a privately owned enterprise and thus are entitled to do whatever they want, within the law.... and the law now allows for them to allow dogs on their patio. Get over it. If you don't like it, go somewhere else... there are plenty of other places that don't allow dogs, to chose from.

As for fur in you food, who pays for my meal when I get some of your dandruff in mine?
previous to this change in regulation for ranchmans, dogs were not allowed in places that sold food.

Besides your use of the word enterprise, you show that you do not understand the scope of business and health regulations. Again, the city farewell knows that if it gets enough complaints of your dogs fur in other patrons food they will shutdown ranchman's license to allow dogs, its really that simple. This is a pilot project with the intent of showing that this will not work.

Originally Posted by valo403 View Post
The restaurant that made the decision that more people will come because of the ability to bring a dog then will stay home, or refuse to pay, because of the presence of dogs. Hence capitalism.

And don't give me this health risk garbage, this is a dog sitting on a patio, there's a hell of a lot more going on in the kitchens at a lot of restaurants that should concern you more than that.
Not sure if serious, I have a dog, cleaned twice a week, she in all hell knows she is not allowed in the kitche/dining area, that is absolutley off limits. Dogs are inherently dirty animals, they lick their own asses. It is a health risk as defined by health Canada.

Federal laws and regulations override all provincial legislature, so if health Canada heard complaints about Ranchman's I'll bet anything that this pilot program will be shutdown.

Originally Posted by Nyah View Post
Zero. However, along with hair there are a lot of other contaminates that can make it into your food when it's not prepared by you. It a risk we all take when eating out. It's an acceptable risk, to an extent, for me, as I enjoy eating out.
I cannot fathom what filth you live in, when in your world dogs fur is ok in food. You must love pubes in food.

Its not an acceptable risk for me, and I could like ranchman's. I do not want your belief in your right to bring your dog there to infringe on my right to enjoy a meal on that patio at ranchmans.

*I have not been to ranchman's since i was 18, that was 10 years ago.
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