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Old 04-17-2012, 08:56 AM   #39
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I have an indoor cat that sneaks out all the time but never goes far and always runs back in if there is a loud noise. If I was unloading a vehicle and the cat ran out, I would have left it too.

When she was young cat though, she was "lost" for a while and it turned out that she treed herself and was afraid to come down. You might want to look up in any tall trees close to the house, although I would think she would have come down by now.

OT, but I had a laugh at the post about girls under 30 and cats. It seems like most girls I know immediately went and got cats after moving out of their parent's homes. I love cats, dogs and all animals, but no way would I choose to have one if I didn't marry into the situation. There are so many times that I had to be burdened with finding people to look after it when I travel. Having pets is such a big inconvenience sometimes.
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