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Old 04-14-2012, 12:52 AM   #442
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Originally Posted by afc wimbledon View Post
Once you remove the gun support network, no ammunition being produced and sold etc, add a reletively lengthy sentance for illegal possesion and an amnesty procedure for owners to bring in guns what would happen is in the first few years millions of guns would be picked up very quickly, the vast majority of guns in the US sit in cupboards never being used, those owners, not being hardcore NRA or criminals prepared to risk jail would just bring them in to the cops right of the bat, they did this in the UK after the war when people in the UK had as many guns as those in the US.
As the supply got smaller the relative value of guns would get higher, this alone would virtually eliminate most of the US's deaths as even those that had guns would be very carefull not to have them found.

All of this presupposes the the american public supported the law due to some dreadfull massacre or the like, I don't think it will happen as the average US citizen really believes their gun keeps them safe even though every rational study says otherwise.
I'm not sure because I'm lazy and don't feel like searching. Does the UK have the likes of the crips? Bloods? Latin Kings? ms13? and all the other violent gangs? The US has an a extreme gang problem that it seems that no other country has.

Originally Posted by afc wimbledon View Post
Actually if you enacted strict gun control with heavy penalties, add in an amnesty and a buy back program and you would, over the course of a few years, rapidly at first, more slowely in the end bring in most guns, even before you got them all they would become very expensive, as they are in Canada, and therefore unlikely to be used against the 'general public'.
We have a crap load of illegal guns up here and a deadly gang war going on in Vancouver, but I, as a non criminal, am completely safe.

It just wouldn't happen, there would be another revolution in this country over it.
Thank you for everything CP. Good memories and thankful for everything that has been done to help me out. I will no longer take part on these boards. Take care, Go Flames Go.
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