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Old 03-29-2012, 05:01 PM   #191
Scoring Winger
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Davenport, Iowa

A few thoughts...

Despite my huge desire to do this, I'm probably one of the least experienced Minecrafters of those interested. I've only joined one multiplayer game, and never done any plugins or modding of anything. That said, I'm obviously willing to learn whatever's required. I've been pretty much obsessed with this since finding out about it on here. I've watched the first 4 episodes from everyone's perspective, and I think over half of episode 5's.

Another plugin that we'd probably want is the one they use to show everyone's health bar. As one of the guys says in his video, I think it adds a lot to the experience.

I would think we would all want to record the video, both for people to watch for entertainment, and to verify that there was no funny business. Peer pressure is probably the main thing that keeps people from just hiding in a 2x2x2 hole the whole time.

As far as rules, I would vote for tossing the confusing "no branch/strip mining" rule, since no one in the Mindcrack contest even seems 100% sure what that even is. The alliances one I don't really care one way or another about, as long as there can only be one winner in the end. (unless you know of some Nightlock berries in the game)

Saturday nights are probably the best time for me, as far as being compatible with other people especially. I work night shift during the week, so I could be a scheduling annoyance. That said, if we were going to play a long session I could maybe see about taking a Friday night off.
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