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Old 02-25-2012, 01:00 AM   #248
3 Justin 3
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Location: On my metal monster.

Originally Posted by HPLovecraft View Post
Ok, guys, this might seem strange, but can someone explain to me the hype behind D3? I understand the previous two are super popular, but I can't figure out why. I played D2 some, but never got into it, since I was way too busy playing Baldur's Gate around that time.

So what's the deal?
Not sure really. For me, it was the first PC game I really got into. Funnily enough my Grandma got it for a birthday present when I was really young (had she known the subject matter there is no way she would have got it for me). I just started playing and I never stopped. It completely engulfed my childhood and I wasn't really a gamer back then like I am now so I only played the one game.

It has a lot to do with Nostalgia, that's why I get pissed when something is changed in D3 to make it differentiate it from D2, ha.
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