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Old 01-27-2012, 02:22 AM   #34
Draft Pick
Join Date: Jan 2012

Originally Posted by BBQorMILDEW View Post
Ok, I'm going to tell you exactly what's going on here...

In total, there are around 7 messages that this person has sent to my inbox. In all six, I replied back. See, at first I was really sure who it was, then after a couple emails, I was completely unsure.

I decided to mess around with whoever it was.

They said that if I left my girlfriend and completely shut her out of my life, that they would get me a job in Media... Since I'm in school for Radio, it would be a big thing for me.

I was never going to believe them, so I sort of played along with them. I told them that I wasn't talking to her and that we needed to meet to discuss compensation. Then at the last possible minute, I chickened out and decided to call the whole thing off. To be honest, I was a little scared to see who i'd be meeting..

I told them that I wasn't going to respond to any more messages. They wrote back that they didn't believe me and were going to keep an eye out on me..

I really want to know who is doing this without going to the cops. We haven't gone ahead with any wrongful dismissal because my GF can't afford a lawyer at the moment.. Once she can, then she will be taking these people for what she's owed.. Now if it was just a simple job, with simple pay, we wouldn't bother. But she was an operations manager at a very successful Salon & Spa and was terminated unfairly.

They tried unsuccessfully to get her to quit for months, because they would have to pay her severance. She had been there for almost 9 years, so we're not talking about millions here... But it's the principal of the matter.

This company fired, humiliated and almost destroyed someones reputation to save a few bucks. (They have accused her of theft but aren't pressing charges) The whole transaction is caught on video and audio tape. I clearly had a conversation about her putting the 14 dollar item on her account at work. Someone went into the system and deleted the item, therefore giving them cause to fire her without severance.

Yes, I know, pretty far fetched right?

If you're a lawyer and you're reading this, send me a PM, I'd like to know our chances

So, that's why I want to find out exactly who is writing these emails.. Because I want to confront them myself... Then sue there ass in court.
You shouldn't be afraid of going to the cops. There really is no legal way of getting their names yourself short of asking the people emailing you to be especially forthcoming.

Technically, there are ways to get access to their addresses, but these methods are far from legal. You really are best off going to the cops about this harassment. If the people you believe to be harassing you are willing to go as far as to attempt a larger cover up and bribe individuals, then the issues at hand could quickly tip into the dangerous area.

If you are 100% certain that the facts in this situation come up in your favour (GF is unjustly terminated, Company is covering it up, You have clear cut evidence) then you shouldn't be wary of going to cops. You should also check up on some local pro-bono legal clinics. I'm sure they'll steer you right to the police as well.

The type of harassment you are describing, and the type of people you seem to be dealing with seem rather unsavory, and the last thing you want to do is be dealing with them by yourself through unofficial channels.
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