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Old 11-29-2011, 09:21 AM   #262
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Originally Posted by Madman View Post
No, no, no...not 25, 28 - very big difference there.

25 is rarely, (if ever), used anymore. When I was taking flight lessons way back in the day, I made a special request to use it and it even felt small in the small aircraft we flew.
Uh Madman, 25 was being used for commercial jets on Sunday. I saw it with my own eyes and listened to ATC vector arrivals for it. Here is a quote from cyeg66 who is a YYC arrivals controller and posts on SSP:

Originally Posted by cyeg66
Yeah, we had 5 or 6 straight go-arounds for 28, wind shear of +35 kts at 500', so planes started opting for 25 and things started going a little better.

LH was the first to try 28 for a while but by then, the wind had dissipated from 240@46G58 to 230@27G42, still quite a difference. 737's and the like were only going about 80 kts inside the markers.
When I did all my training and instructing at YYC from 1999-2004 we would use 25/07 all the time if the winds and traffic permitted it. It was hardly shunned for use and it was plenty wide and long for many aircraft types.

Last edited by Bigtime; 11-29-2011 at 09:33 AM.
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