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Old 11-26-2011, 10:47 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by MrMastodonFarm View Post
If this thing gets released this time next year, and I'm figuring that's the earliest it will be release... it will have been 7 years for the 360... that's a damn good stretch for any console.
Well, if you ignore how many years it took for Microsoft to fix the persistent issues the 360 had for most of its life (like the red ring of death), then yeah I guess the 360 had a good stretch.

The other thing is how much advancement we'll be seeing graphically in new console generations. How much better can the consoles get where people can look at the new one and say "this is definitely miles ahead of the old one in every way." There's a point where the cost to make a game makes it difficult to justify the advancements. If the next generations of consoles expects Uncharted 3 levels of production on every title, that's creating lofty expectations in a world where many casual, simpler games are trending towards simpler graphics as well.
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