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Old 11-15-2011, 01:30 AM   #220
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: North Vancouver, British Columbia.

Originally Posted by nik- View Post
If I was making an MMO right now I would do everything in my power to make a WoW player's transition as seamless as possible, even down the majority of the hotkey to menu combinations.
I fully and totally agree. I have said as much in this thread. "We have a brand new shiny shoe. It's awesome and totally fancy but fits exactly like your favorite old pair of shoes."

That's the problem. They didn't copy WoW. They didn't copy Cataclysm. They copied a 5 year old game. Vanilla WoW.

Originally Posted by MaDMaN_26 View Post
I have played wow for years. I quit last year after getting a few toons to 85 in cata... just got tired of the same ol carrot on stick gear grind. I think SW:TOR took what works from wow, added an amazing story (I honestly cant decide which class I want to see finish their story first) They have great class quests and levelling quests I don't skip completely and just read the last line that says "Collect x of y and return to me." They are all voice acted (well) and even allow me to respond in ways that affect the outcome and influence my companions - although gifts can fix that at a later date so play how you want, Dev's have even said story arcs will arise based on the good or bad influence with companions.) So Instead of simply clicking on a "accept" button, at least I give a crap why I'm collecting x of y and returning.
This is the thing: that is only a factor because it is new. People cared about what the WoW quests said too when it first dropped. That will fade after a toon or two. The fact that lightside/darkside points can be earned is moot since it's fairly obvious in most cases with what answer gets you what and never mind the fact it's the exact same as faction grinding. I'd much prefer the phasing that Cataclysm introduced, but won't be there.

Originally Posted by MaDMaN_26 View Post
There is always going to be the "blah blah blah it sucks, wow in space" Blaster type neigh Sayers - ignore them.
It is WoW in space. That's not nay saying, that's fact saying. That doesn't make it terrible. Vanilla WoW was and is playable, but the fact they have all this ground work WoW has laid and they opted to ignore all of it and start from the same place WoW did.

Originally Posted by MaDMaN_26 View Post
They either hate the genre because wow IS the genre or they wanted a Star Wars game that was not a MMO...
No, I wanted an MMO. Go back to the start of this thread and see how excited I was. My excitement waned as report after report painted the picture most people were afraid of.

Originally Posted by MaDMaN_26 View Post
but as MMO's go - reinventing the wheel when you have a juggernaut competitor with 11 million subscribers... that would be a special kind of dumb.
Agreed. Know what else is a special kind of dumb? Ignoring all improvements that juggernaut has made and starting back at step one.

Originally Posted by MaDMaN_26 View Post
Use what they have made work and fine tune it, tweak it for yourself and make what didn't work better. Has SWTOR done this perfectly? No... but they did a pretty damn good job
Not what I've heard. Not what I've read and after this weekend not what I've seen. It has all the crippling flaws of Vanilla WoW. How many people will walk right back over to WoW after getting griefed for two hours while waiting for one spawn for a quest. Players from Vanilla WoW will want nothing to do with that again, people that started after won't have the patience.

Originally Posted by MaDMaN_26 View Post
and it will change and adapt and grow like any MMO. In the end SW:TOR is a blast to play. I can't wait for the next beta at the end of the month... we all were probably invited (well emailed saying we will be invited) and frankly it cant be released soon enough
I'm going to love playing it. But the question is will it hold my attention after the 3 months? Only if the end game content isn't as bleak as it is expected to be. If it is, I'm out just like I was with WoW when the Cata end-game was uninteresting.

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