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Old 11-14-2011, 01:28 PM   #621
Atomic Nerd
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Calgary

Originally Posted by Maritime Q-Scout View Post
So essentially what you're telling me is that you have to sign up in order to see a list of content, that they don't release what they carry to the public unless you specifically ask for each show/movie individually?

That's absolutely ridiculous.

That's like saying "I have this great product that does wonderful things and will make your life better" and when asked what it does the sales person saying "well ask me, and if it does that one particular thing I'll tell you".

Does it cook?

"Yes but I won't tell you what unless you ask for the individual dish"

Does it clean?

"Yes but somethings not others again I won't tell you what it cleans unless you specifically ask"

Does it do laundry?

"Not all clothing but again I won't tell you which ones unless you give me your personal information".

WTF? Just tell me what the thing does
And yet, it is free and takes about 45 seconds to sign up. I remember back in the day, to know what was in stock at the video store meant I had to spend a buck in gas and drive for 20 minutes. A bit of an overreaction? If you don't want to sign up, just use a friend's netflix. It seems like everybody knows someone with it these days and just "shares" their account.
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