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Old 11-08-2011, 06:43 PM   #38
Franchise Player
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Originally Posted by Sr. Mints View Post
I wish my folks made me stick to piano (or something.) I wish they would not let me quit karate...or curling or baseball or soccer. I wish they made me do homework every night--at least so I could have developed some kind of rhythm or structure for when I was older. Having to learn to study while you're in University isn't they way to do it.

They only thing I did do was play hockey and video games, read, and watch TV--and while I think I'm a fairly well adjusted person, I think it could only have benefited me if they had been more rigid with me and had me, y'know, do stuff.

I don't have kids, but I will definitely encourage them to do as many activities besides video games as they can handle in a day. A few hours a week playing games would be fine though.
You know it's never too late to learn something new right? Like piano/music. No other activity unites left and right brain like it, so it doesn't matter how old you are when you start. Unless you want to play Violin or Cello. Then you're eff'd.

So far, this is the oldest I've been.
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