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Old 11-04-2010, 08:56 PM   #20
Atomic Nerd
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Calgary

Originally Posted by Shazam View Post
Incredibly, this thread shows up before their web site on Google.
Not if you search University City Calgary

Anyway, even looking at the 343 sqft units (the tiniest, your bed has to fold into the wall and your bed is in the living room which is also your kitchen). It seems better than dorm accomodations.

A lot of people are thinking about this for students, etc. and making rent off students and young workers, etc. probably.

That said, having experienced what square footage really means living in dorms and in Hong Kong, that's plenty enough. People in North America are really spoiled in terms of living space.

I'll be in Hong Kong for most of Nov/Dec and living in a place that's like the size of my current bathroom in total area.
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