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Old 09-10-2010, 12:43 PM   #12
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Join Date: Aug 2005

Sad as it is, I really haven't spent much of my time playing...but moreso wheeling and dealing on the market. Some late night excursions into the auction house have landed me some really good deals (JVR for 800 pucks, Jonas Hiller for 1000, Jamie Benn for 600), so those types of guys have been flipped for sometimes triple the price.

Now that my team is built up to where I have almost all NHLers (I have bought 3 jumbo packs with cash, mind you), I am finding the cap comes into play pretty early on in the process. My team doesn't have any superstars and I'm still up on the cap (Toews is on the bench along with a few other high rated guys), I have mostly low-mid 80's rated guys with the exception of 2/3rds of my 4th line.

I've started buying low on CHL stars when I can, as I get the feeling that mid-tier guys will soon go the way of the dodo, with most teams having stars on their top 2 lines, then not having much room for anything but lower paid guys the rest of the way. I have a Paajarvi that I maxed at 86 stats, but he's paid less than 900, so he'll be a valuable one. Also have Nugent-Hopkins, Hodgson, Kozun and a few others waiting for consumables when I get them.

I'm really pleasantly surprised with the strategy and depth in this mode, but still a little peeved some guys have teams that are just ridiculously talented because they bought, what has to be over 100 jumbo packs.
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