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Old 07-16-2010, 12:04 PM   #10
Lifetime Suspension
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Location: Bitter, jaded, cursing the fates.

Originally Posted by Regorium View Post
I personally don't see a lot of analysis of what actually occurred to get your character killed in your example, other than the enemies have great aim. I never played it so I can't really comment much further.
Long story short, I got shot. Over and over again. Often right after I started the mission. Oftentimes I know the general direction in which the shot could have come from, but as for who exactly fired the shot I have no idea.

To elaborate on it, what I found frustrating is that in this scenario, it's night time, and I'm but one of dozens of AI controlled friendlies on the battlefield, many of whom are out of cover and right out in the open. Furthermore, I'm behind all these bullet sponges, and I'm in cover. Despite these guys being much easier targets, enemy AI was capable of going after me and only me in a crowd of dozens.

I will humbly admit that I'm not the best Modern Warfare 2 player in multiplayer games, but I'm a capable and skilled offline player. But I wholeheartedly believe that when it comes to Veteran difficulty, skill is a non-factor. There is not a player in the world that could beat Modern Warfare 2 on veteran difficulty without dying. Hell, there isn't a player in the world that could beat a single level of Modern Warfare 2 on veteran difficulty (except MAYBE the stealth missions).

The only way to beat Modern Warfare 2 on Veteran difficulty is with patience, a billion respawns, and a ton of blind luck.

There are other games that are like this, I'm sure. God of War clones I've heard are notorious for having their highest difficulty setting as absolutely ridiculous.
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