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Old 06-23-2010, 11:58 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by photon View Post
So if I wanted to start reading (or rather listening to audiobooks) to some Star Wars novels, where would be a good place to start? I remember reading some books about Admiral Thrawn or something that were pretty good, but I haven't read anything else.
As far as the post Star Wars EU, the Thrawn Trilogy was good, after that not so good.

The two trilogies that I mentioned before are really good reads.

The first is the Darth Bane Trilogy.

The stuff from the clone wars era is decent, especially the trilogy built around the fall of the republic. Labyrinth of Evil, Return of the Sith (Far better then the movie for the description of Skywalkers fall) and Dark Lord which shows the first steps of Darth Vader as he became a true Sith Lord.

I tried the Legacy of the Force series and the new Fate of the Jedi series and while they aren't terrible, they just don't grab your imagination.

Theres a cartoon series called Legacy or something like that, and it takes place long in the future where the Sith rise and take over the Galactic Alliance which replaced the republic. Its supposed to be pretty good.
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