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Old 06-20-2010, 07:48 PM   #20
FanIn80's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by MrMastodonFarm View Post
I just found it hilarious that you said it isn't being delayed, then explained why it was delayed.

I suppose it was humorous, if it made any sense at all. All it did was just show more annoying fanboy-ism. I've never owned anything with the android, I'm posting from my touch, and I plan on getting an iphone 4.

The hilarious joke just showed more defensiveness... "oh no, I think he may have kinda sorta maybe slighted apple... attack!".
Oh... well I didn't realize you were joking in your initial post. I apologize for not getting it. In my defence, though, it wasn't exactly obvious... and the Android thing wasn't about you, but it was pretty funny. To me, at least. (Attention Android Fanboys: No, I don't think Android is irrelevant, that's what makes it funny.)

Anyway, it's all good. You don't post in a lot of these threads, so maybe I just haven't figure out your sense of humour yet. I get comments like that from people all the time, and they are actually quite serious about them, so I figured you were doing the same.

Edit: I still haven't figured out how people keep saying things that aren't actually funny, and I keep looking like an ***hole for not getting the joke.

"You suck!"
"No I don't."
"Whatever, fanboy. Learn to take a joke."

Very baffling, indeed.

Last edited by FanIn80; 06-20-2010 at 07:57 PM.
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