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Old 05-10-2010, 12:22 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by Russic View Post
That was pretty classless by the lesbian, even for reality tv standards. I'm glad Caite had a comeback for her that seemed to both infuriate her and shut her trap. The blond one looked a little embarrassed. I don't understand what they are so mad about ... if they didn't suck they could have made it to the uturn first. Pretty simple to avoid really. Don't suck. Don't lose.
At the end of the day I would have done the same thing with the U-Turn, just because it would piss them off completely, and Caite was right, they were rude, and they got swatted and Caite still managed to hang with the cowboys til the end and beat out the cops.

And yes, I thought her life partner was mortified.

And Caite had the quote of the episode when she declared that she wanted to punch her partner in the face.

To me though the final was alittle unfair because of the bottle neck at Lucas arts, once you were behind a team it was impossible to pass them. they should have had multiple exit points, some easier to get to then others.
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