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Old 04-25-2010, 11:48 PM   #36
Lifetime Suspension
Join Date: Feb 2008

Originally Posted by AFireInside View Post
As for it being an eyesore, thats your opinion, and it seems very petty. It's in HIS driveway.. Just because you don't like it, it's really silly and petty to start calling the bylaw on him, and it's just going to make it much worse. Time to lighten up a bit.
I don't think it's petty to not want a broken down piece of junk next to your house. Unless you like living next to an auto wreckers? In my neighbourhood there are several rusted out crap cars in the alley, they just sit there getting in the way and looking terrible. The people that own the places are generally the type that never do anything to improve their property, and are in general just lazy. They mostly sit around drinking beer and act stupid. I'm not saying everyone with a crappy vehicle in their driveway is like that, but often that is the case. (if it's about lack of income, I understand that. But if you can afford parties, beer etc. etc. you can afford to clean up your mess)

There needs to be a basic standard of cleanliness that people should adhere to in a community. If they don't bother with it, then they should be called out. I'm not sure getting the City involved is the right tact, it will just create bad blood. But what is the alternative? Mafia style intimidation? Horse heads in their dining room?

Diplomacy is great and everything, but some people are just a-holes and you will never get anywhere trying to be reasonable. And yes it is all about the money, there is nothing wrong with that. A house is the single largest investment you will likely ever make, it's good to be protective of it and expect people in your community to abide by a basic standard to keep the neighbourhood a desirable place to live.
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