Thread: Climategate
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Old 11-22-2009, 08:03 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by Dan02 View Post
I'm not weighing in on either side of this issue as sitting on the sidelines and watching is much more fun, but you do need to research more on this T@T. While as a whole the amount of ice in glaciers is declining, on a individual level, there are indeed glaciers which are actually increasing in size while others decrease.
And the reason for these "small amount" glaciers to grow are they are being fed by the melting snow from the surrounding mountains,lets see the growth when the snow is gone like on Mount Hood,Oregon.

These 2 pics were both taken on the same day late summer 17 years apart. And I'm told there is very little snow left at all these days.

research can be your friend as well.

And let's remember only 18,000 years ago almost the entirety of Canada was cover in ice. That's alot of ice that melted in a pretty short period of time.
But yet if you see pictures of glaciers from 100 years ago and again 20 years ago there's very little differences but in the last 20 years the difference is huge.

A big one in Argentina is disappearing at a rate of 800 feet a year,yet before 1980 nobody even noticed it changing at all.
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