Thread: Climategate
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Old 11-22-2009, 04:29 PM   #89
Backup Goalie
Join Date: Oct 2007

Originally Posted by Bagor View Post
woohoo we've got a real live climatologist online. Opinion is now fact.

Q.Care to share your data?
A. Sure. It's been going down for the last 10 years therefore it'll go down for ever.
Q. What about the hundreds of year before that?
A. What about them?
Q.Don't they count when considering a trend in the grand scheme of things?
A. Errrmmmm ...... No.
Q. What about rate of change?
A.What about it?
Q.Well the speed of warming?
A.What's that got to do with anything?
Q.Aren't you concerned about that.
A.The earth has cooled in the last 10 years therefore ....
Q.Yeah, but what about the overall trend?
A.Godddammmmm it!!!! Stop asking me about that.
I agree that it is premature to forecast Global Cooling, especially since I've already made my point about forecasting numerous times. However, I guess I'd like to know how using a 10 year cooling period to disprove the recent warming trend is any different than using the recent warming to reach the conclusions that are being expounded by the AGW side.
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