Thread: Climategate
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Old 11-22-2009, 11:48 AM   #63
A Fiddler Crab
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I'm fairly certain that it doesn't matter whether the temperature is warming or not, attempting to reduce the amount of pollutants that we dump into the atmosphere is not only a good idea from a planetary health viewpoint, but one that will spur economic innovation and development.

I don't really care if ALL the data is faked, I still support carbon reduction programs, cap-and-trade, the Kyoto Accord and most other environmental programs.

Not to mention that Global Warming/Climate change is only ONE of the huge, huge environmental issues we've created (or maybe haven't but whatever). There is no denying the cesspool that is the Central Pacific. The global crash in fish stocks and general biodiversity, the staggering amount of extinction we've caused, deforestation, etc. etc. etc.

If this scandal sets back the environmental movement at all, everyone is going to suffer for it.
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