Thread: Shot Luck
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Old 07-23-2009, 01:55 PM   #87
Missed the bus
Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by J pold View Post
Come on now, you're going to tell me that you have never engaged in a juvinelle argument on Puck? I don't think one of theregular posters could make such a claim, expect Cowperson.
Oh of course I have. Mostly with you, actually. But it's usually because like I said, I like to debate. Usually these delinquent arguments come up because someone purposely ignores a point to make some funny comment or burn... but a part of my brain just doesn't want to skip my perfectly valid argument.

For example:

Me: I don't want strippers at my bachelor party. Is this party for me or for my friends?

You: Stop being a pansy and check out the titties.

That's not what I was asking. I want to have a conversation, not a flame war. The frustration comes from the fact that someone says some inflammatory comment and I want to get things back on track, so I throw my own little jab, try to "right the ship" if you will, but it usually doesn't work that way.

Now all of a sudden I'm defending my morals and my opinions against being a pansy or whipped or something... when in reality, what I really was asking is, should my wishes be respected at my bachelor party?

Then I start to realise that someone is just egging me on, trying to get a rise out of me, or how you so transparently put it "trying to get me banned" for your own entertainment. That's just dumb. I think your more likely to get yourself banned from that kind of thing.

Bottom line is, a lot of people are sick of this kind of posting. I know of about 4 or 5 people who honeslty do this for shats and giggles, when really the vast majority of us want healthy discussion, not flame wars.

If you want this place to be more like the Canucks forum, keep posting this way. I facking hate that board though.

Last edited by alltherage; 07-23-2009 at 02:08 PM.
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