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Old 12-03-2008, 03:15 PM   #26
The Goon
#1 Goaltender
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Calgary...Alberta, Canada

Originally Posted by Hack&Lube View Post
The diary system is stupid. It makes no sense at all. They mail you a booklet and two loonies and you are supposed to out of the goodness of your heart carry this thing with you and whenever you listen to the radio at all, at home, at work, in the car etc. you write it down with all the details about where you were, what you are doing, what station you are listening to, etc.. You are supposed to do this for a month. Who in their right mind would do this? I know people who just keep the two bucks they send you and fake the booklet because they honestly try but it turns out to be just a lot of stupid work that makes no sense when people these days are changing stations after each song if they don't like what's playing.

I know why talk and newsradio are highest rated - it's because these are the stations that people who actually fill out their diaries listen to and the station that people DON'T switch just to hear a new song.
I did this last year - it was pretty easy, actually. I only had to do it for seven straight days, and you just picked the station you listened to most in a 15-minute block.

I was struck at how boring my radio listening habits were.
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