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Old 04-20-2008, 10:55 PM   #12
Drunk Skunk
Obscure Jersey Wiz
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Originally Posted by dobbles View Post
yeah, i could see stevenson heading back to europe. its too bad theres not room for him in calgary. he had decent nhl experience with the sharks and was the best player on our team for a good chunk of the year.

i hope kolanos is gone. i would rather see us score less and play harder. then again we would have probably lost a lot of games without krissy out there...

for you guys that know more about contract situations and stuff answer if this scenario is at all possible. would you see them moving peeters and making germyn captain? to me it feels like germyn just doesn't have quite enough to make it to calgary, but seems to be a great on ice leader and plays with so much emotion. i personally didn't see much on ice type leadership from peters though he was one of our favorite players. just thinking outloud. if there are things like contracts that would make that really dumb sounding, my apologies.
I would much rather see Palin as captain then either Germyn or Peters.

Carsen Germyn will be a life long AHL'er with maybe 20-40 games of NHL call-up experience.
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Last edited by Drunk Skunk; 04-20-2008 at 10:58 PM.
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