Thread: Mafia 2
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Old 03-14-2008, 09:20 PM   #1
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Default Mafia 2

official trailer

man i can't wait. the first Mafia is one of the greatest PC games of all time. the graphics (for the time), story, voice acting, and atmosphere were all so incredible, and since it's the same team making the second one i can only hope that it'll be just as good/better. since the trailer is a pre-rendered video, i figured i'd also post this screenshot gallery to show that the actual game will look just as good

and for those that have no idea what i'm talking about, the original Mafia was an open world game much like the GTA series, except with a much better story, more realistic setting, and it really made you feel like you were driving/walking around in the 1930's. the only thing that sucks about Mafia 2 is that it won't be released for another year
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