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Old 02-16-2005, 07:58 PM   #48
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Oct 2001

As a season ticket holder 2 years running - my take is this:
I've received good value IMO from my tickets. The whole cancellation of the season is very disappointing.
First: I would like to see the owners get together on some sort of revenue sharing program - this could be done independantly of the PA. Perhaps that is addressed indirectly via a luxury tax situation.
Next: I believe the current problem was created in part by owners competing with eachother to see who can sign the biggest cheques ie. the Wall Mart Twins.
Third: In theory, I think a partnership with players and Owners is a better situation than the status quo. If that happens the game will get stronger. I don't see how a cap at 43+M would help out the struggling teams.
Forth: I will be back as a season ticket holder - I have cancelled my tickets untill the labour dispute is settled. Based on the simple principle that no-one gives my business an interest free loan, so I'm not about to give one to the Flames. On the same note - I'll be first in line to get tickets once this mess is cleaned up
Finally - thanks for taking the time - it is much appreciated, I've spoken with you on a couple occassions and your efforts to reach the common fan are very much appreciated
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